Monday, October 29, 2007

Chrissy Jaeger - personal reflection

Primal: Movie on Last Indian Man

I just want to make comments on the movie. It was really interesting in terms of the humanity of the Indian man. I think that his humanity was flaunted before others in respect to his culture and historical value of living in a place. But his humanity was largely neglected except for perhaps his closest friend the anthropologist.
His humanity should have been the most important thing. Without it they lose the very thing they sought: knowledge of his culture. Culture is defined by humanity. The fact that he should have been respected and honored and wasn’t enhances the loss of his culture. Not to mention he was thrown into another culture of complete opposition without any concern to his emotional and physical needs.
I cannot imagine how difficult his first three year away from his tribe was. I am sure he not only emotionally suffered from grief but from losing the surroundings that was familiar to him. Similarly he probably severely physically suffered. A change in climate, food, and exposure to disease was intense upon his first arrival into western society (I assume). Not to mention it was disease that killed him. His emotional and physical suffering was never considered even if he was ‘valued’ as a human in terms of his cultural value.

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