Monday, October 29, 2007


RSTD 337
Date: September 27, 2007


When Dr. Redick spoke about the field trip to Washington DC, I was very excited. I could not wait for it. Finally Dr. Redick decided we will go on September 22, 2007. The schedule is that we have to meet at 6:15 in front of Administration building.
That day I woke up at 4:00 AM. I took a shower and then I pray for an hour. I pray in the early morning daily.(I used to pray early morning every day). After that I had a breakfast. Now I am ready to go. I came to my car and drove to CNU. I parked the car in front of Administration building. I had not seen anyone yet. I waited, and then two young girls came. Dr. Redick came with his wife and two children. Then we introduced each other. We started around 6:30AM. We reached Washington DC around 9:00AM. This is a very good time. Dr. Redick parked close to the Capital Hill, and then we walked to the American Indian Museum. The building was built very strong. There are four stages. At the beginning we walked up each floor until the fourth and then we took the elevator down. On every floor we looked at many displays that were very beautiful and very unique such as the tradition clothes, the things that were made by beads etc…Besides the building, many people cooked food, displayed some art work at a very special event. Afterward we got inside to watch Indians dancing; because we have to follow their schedule.
Now is lunch time. We line up to buy the food. There were many sections to display the food. After we selected the food, we line up to pay. After eating we got out to watch a movie. They displayed the movie that was very interesting: one film on the ceiling, one film on the old fashion material, and one film on a rock glob on the floor.
Around 4:00 PM we got out of the museum, and then we went to National Cathedral. It was very fantastic church. I admired it. Inside the cathedral there are many chapels and a very big gift shop. We found many things very pretty, especially at the Buddhist section. Around 5:00PM we started to go home. Dr. Redick took us to the famous barbecue restaurant “The pig cooks barbecue” for dinner. After the dinner we drove to the famous ice cream for desert. Then we went back to CNU around 9:30 PM and then I drove my car home. Dr. Redick let two girls ride home.
This was a short trip, but it was a valuable trip. I could not imagine in one day we could do many important things like that. If next year Dr. Redick plans to make a trip likes this I will go again.


1 comment:

Kip Redick said...

Joanna Andrusko
I live right outside of DC and I have been both to the National Cathedral and the Native American museum many times. What is most wonderful about DC in my opinion is the museums, to be able to witness the stark primal within the context of the very modern. To go immerse yourself within the Smithsonian and then emerge out into the fading sunlight among traffic. I wish I had been able to go on this trip and hear our class' perspective on what they felt in the Native American museum compared to what they felt in the Cathedral. They are both stunning. They both make me feel reverent. They are a tribute to a culture and to a religion.