Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Round vs Flat- Matthew Winkler

Ong's book Wednesday October 27
The talk about characters in narrative stories in both written and oral society peaked my interest today. I personally like writing science fiction but also enjoy verbally telling the story to a person. I notice that when I write down my story that the characters have more emotion and that plot twists exist along with characters having back stories. Then when I tell a person a story I normally have to reduce my character numbers and just tell them the events that happen and leave out a majority of the characters reasoning for events. I merely state that he or she did this or that and then move onto the next event. People still understand the story no matter how I tell it but there is such difference to the way I tell it. I think that people who read stories realize that characters are not always easy to understand and that is the task the reader must discover as to who this character is. For the person who hears a narrative of a story the story teller must explain the events in a fashion that does not confuse the listener. This means that conflicting emotions within potential characters are not explained as deeply.

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