Thursday, September 20, 2007

LE, KIM-CHI - CNU on Labor Day

RSTD 335
Date: September12, 2007


Labor Day is a national holiday. When all the government offices and public schools are closed; why did the students and their professors at CNU had to attend school?
On that day, I presumed administrative office at CNU was open, I came early to do some business with them, but I was surprised that all were closed. I saw the parking lot near the Administration office was empty. When I came to my class some students said, “Why are we going to school?” Then they told the teacher that some colleges close by such as: ODU, William & Mary, TNCC etc… were closed. It looks like only CNU opened. Last year was the same. Students complained to teachers, but teachers couldn’t solve the problem.
As a senior student, I am calling this matter to attention of Professor Kip Redick requesting if you think this is a good suggestion, then please contact whoever can solve this problem, and then next year CNU will close entire school on the Labor Day in fairness to all professors. I don’t mind going to school, but the professors should be treated equally fair to other schools. Also if the administrative people at CNU can have off on Labor Day, then I think the faculty, staff and students should get a break as well.
Thank you, Dr. Redick, for taking care of this matter and I pray that God and Buddha bless all of us.

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