Thursday, November 8, 2007

Chrissy Jaeger- Drum Circle, Personal Reflection

I have never been to a drum circle before. I was late which actually turned out to be really neat because the circle was already formed and I could hear the drums going, and as I walked around I could “enter” by experiencing the music.
I really enjoyed the experience, it was interesting to observe as well as participate. When I was just watching I could see some people really engaging in the music while others sort of kept a distance from the music. When I was participating I was able to feel more a part of the process.
The thing I loved most about the experience was the sun setting. I had a perfect view right in between two trees. The colors were brilliant! As we were drumming I really got the sense that we were participating in the sun setting. It was like we were encouraging and celebrating the setting of the sun. We didn’t stop until the sun had gone bellow the horizon which only affirmed the idea that we were participating in the process.
I also enjoyed closing my eyes and drumming while listening. I could really feel a sense of community when I closed my eyes. I think it made me forget slightly who was there specifically, but more so realize we were all united. Overall, it

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