Monday, November 12, 2007


RSTD 335
Date: September 27, 2007


A person’s cancer suddenly goes into remission and no one can explain why? Is that a miracle? Almost all of the people are concerned about miracles including myself, because many times in my life a miracle happened in my true life.
This story I have heard many times. One time it happened to my friend, who is a nun. The Doctor told her, “You have a cancer that needs to be removed promptly. If not you will die in 2 years”. She is a nun, so she did not have money. Then she prays to her Buddha: “If you want me to go in 2 years I will be ready for that event. In case someone still needs me alive to help him or her to learn some thing from me, I am satisfied any way. I promise I will help them with every thing I have learned, especially Buddhism teachings (religious).” Hence, she drinks 2 liters of water daily and eats normal. She doesn’t need any medicine. Now it has been more than 5 years since then and she is still alive.
No one can explain this case. Someone believes Buddha blessed this nun, so they tried to learn and pay time to help people like her (this nun). Any time this nun has a project to do to help people in society, many volunteers follow her.

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