Sunday, December 9, 2007

Acorn Bcorn Ccorn by Nick Clarke

While maybe not being the most tasty thing in the world, eating the acorn bread was definitely an experience. Even though I didnt really have much to do with the making of the bread, being involved in the process to the slightest extent made me appreciate it that much more. This reminded me of the discussion we had in class about food and what it means to us. Food is so abundant in this country that many people do not appreciate its importance or feel any connection to what they eat at all. Most people eat at chain restaurants that pump out food which they then mindlessly consume and in a culture like this any sort of spiritual connection to food is almost impossible. It is the times when you cook your own food that you do feel a real appreciation for what you are eating. When time and energy is put into something it means that much more to you and you really come to understand that food is what makes you live. I think this is why in areas that have less abundant food, the food that is available then becomes a sacred and vitally important part of life and religion. Cultures that actually experience eating to survive instead of simply eating to eat truly appreciate its importance and therefore this process becomes ingrained in their religion.

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