Sunday, December 9, 2007


I enjoyed the lecture where we discussed the "Holy". Holy, we discussed, is that which is wholly other or what is ultimately strange. It's hard to refer to what is holy without using symbolic language. Having an experience that is difficult to describe to others makes the use of symbolic language necessary.

In my own personal encounters with the holy in my walk with Jesus and my faith in Him and interaction with Him through a personal relationship, I experience things beyond the profane.

I enter a spiritual state of mind, heart, body, and soul and changes occur in me. I find it important to share these experiences with others out of joy or to make sense of what it is that I experienced.

I find that it is very true that symbolic language is used to convey my encounter with they holy, that which is strange, especially as someone who lives in the ordinary, profane life. Analogies, metaphors, similies all are part of the things I share with others to describe the holy encounters that I experience and am apart of.

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