Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Experiencing Art

I learned a lot about primal religions when we discussed the idea of art in primal religions and cultures verses our American ideas concerning art. It was interesting to learn that they value the process of creating art, they look into the piece of wood (or whatever they are using) and gain inspiration from it and then create off of those feelings of spiritualness and creativity. It was interesting to learn how the experience was more important to them than the outcome. In our culture, we always value the outcomes more and try to rush through the creation of things. Even in art classes, we always look at the outcome, the final pieces, and discuss them in depth. In my art classes, they rarely discussed in depth the process the artist went through while creating the piece. In my opinion, it seems that most of our art pieces are hung up in our houses or displayed in our homes for the aesthetic value they have. Primal religions use their art practically as well as being aesthetically pleasing. So, it was interesting to see art from a different perspective.

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