Monday, December 10, 2007

People People everywhere and not an animal in sight

By: Andrew Sakach

Reading Reflection: 5

At the end of the
section on page 5 in A Time Before Deception it started to talk about
how the only tribal oral people that are left are in the places
'Civilization' doesn't want to go to. And that Civilization is
continuing their expansion into new frontiers and even the stars. My question is, why are we expanding? What's the point?

seems that the only benefits that an increasing population yields is
power. This power is only really useful in military or industrial
maneuvers, both reducing man to a mere tool of a nation or small group
of people driving that nation.

When I ask people. Why do you think the population is increasing, it seems
self evident to them that 2 becomes 4 to 8 to 16 to 32 adinfinitum. Or that medicine
will keep up with us to keep us from dying ergo more people alive at
time. Neither of these, however make any sense critically. In truth,
the ONLY sufficient condition for population grown is food
availability. If food is up then people go up, if food is stable people
are stable, of food goes down people go down. Simple concept eh?
However our entire culture finds it implicit that we'll one day
populate the stars... but not one can give a good reason for doing so,
short of God told us to. Why would you want to push out the life that's
already existing somewhere just because you think people are more
important. All life comes from food, aka other life, and by bringing
more people into the world your willing to say my kids are way more
important than the food they eat, which for the most part would be
true. Though some people aredriven to take birth fertility drugs and end up with 8 kids. For most people 2 is enough, even 3 a handful but 8, how can two people take care of eight without the help of extended family or friends that might as well be family?

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