Monday, December 10, 2007

Leavers and Takers

By: Andrew Sakach

Outside Reading: 5

The book I read in Adaptation, Ishmael, described most 'primal' cultures as Leavers, and classified our society and culture as 'Takers'. While Quinn himself says that these terms are inadequate he says that Leavers, leave the ability to decide who lives and who dies in god's hands, while the Takers decide who lives and dies themselves taking that ability from the gods/God/no gods.

Leavers live a sustainable way of life, this lifestyle that we've been learning about in Primal Religions. While we live a lifestyle contrary to the rest of the world and the natural laws inside of it, such as the law of limited competition, population laws, and other natural laws. Because we defy our place as just another animal and believe ourselves to have the right do do whatever we please, such as having 10 kids, or destroying these forests and ecosystems in order to feed them, or forcing our way of life onto all others because it's 'best' is what is destroying us as a people. Humanity is not the problem, as our society would have you believe because we're inherently sinful, or are surrounded by illusion, that this Earth doesn't ultimately matter, it's this way of living that's the problem. There were thousands of other cultures surviving sustainable in the world, now only about .2% of the total earths human population lives such now because our one mass mono-culture killed or assimilated the rest. Just some food for thought, because food fuels thought just like it does people.

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