Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Our discussion on food was interesting and eye opening. When Dr. Redick asked us how we experience food, how we think of food, do we have any spiritual connection with food; it was hard for me to think of a spiritual connected I have with food. The only connection of value that I could think of was when I eat Puerto Rican food my mom or other family members have made. I guess because I feel a cultural connection with the food so I feel it's more special to me than other foods. For the most part, when I think of food, I think of how to NOT eat so much of it.
Someone brought up how much we waste food and that is because we disassociate ourselves from it. It is crazy to think about how much food we waste when thinking about how others are going hungry. So, it was interesting to see how even our experience of food is different from the experience of food in primal religions.

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