Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Bruchko by Rob Dufour

I really enjoyed reading this book because I often have desires to do exactly what Bruchko did in his young age – leave it behind and go change lives by telling the good news. This book was a great testament to Gods power and grace, but it also had great cultural implications seen through the difference between the Motilone culture and our own and the ways which Bruchko broke those barriers. This story showed how Bruchko loved these people enough to understand their culture before preaching to them so that he could accurately convey the gospel to them. Instead of using phrases such as “accepting Jesus into your heart” he explained it to the Motilone as “walking on Jesus’ path” or “tie your hammock strings with Christ”. I think that the way in which Bruchko approached this ministry is extraordinary because he didn’t try to convert them to become like the Christian white man’s religion. He instead just focused on the importance of knowing who God is and the love he has for us, because it doesn’t matter how they dress, or where they worship, or what songs they sing, and Bruchko didn’t want to change anything more about them than he needed in order to allow them to have a relationship with Christ. What Bruchko did with the tribe would have been impossible if he went straight in and attempted to preach the gospel, he understood that first he must understand them to accurately bridge the cultural gap. He suffered a great deal and laid it all down for Christ, and because of this, his ministry was a great success and he was able to lead many to Christ. This book is a great testament to the amazing things God can do if we are willing to be a servant unto him and lay it all down.

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