Thursday, November 11, 2010

Blog #4--Jessica Moore---Making vs. Buying

A while back in class we spoke about the difference between buying something or making it ourselves. For example, to bake a cake or to by a cake for your best friends birthday. Buying a cake would take much less time than making one, the price might be a little more but not that much more, and some may argue (depending on where you get it) that the cake tastes better. On the flip side, making a cake might take longer but the time spent making it can be a relaxing and meditative experience, it probably doesn't cost as much a buying one, but you have to spend time buying and making sure you have all the necessary ingredients, some may also argue that a homemade cake not only tastes better but also means more to the person receiving the cake. We also spoke about how when you make something (instead of buying) you not only bond with the object/ingredients/food, but make a connection with the space and environment in which you make it. To make or to buy? That is the question. I think when deciding what to do, you have to weigh your priorities. Are you willing to take the time to put your effort into making something and enjoying the experience and time as a meditative and relaxing one? Or, is buying something at a store simply for convenient at the time. Is price an issue? Are you willing to pay a little more to buy something or save the money by buying the ingredients and putting it together yourself? Are you willing to take a risk? Buying something from a store pretty much ensures that your getting good quality, while making it yourself wouldn't necessarily mean better quality, but then again it could be better. What is the item for? Is it a personal item, will it be shared, is it a gift? There are a lot of things to consider when deciding whether to buy or make. Personally, it would mean more to me for someone to make me a cake for my birthday than to buy one, but for events like my wedding, I would definitely buy a cake.

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