Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Laura Stiles- Nolan Trail

When we went on the Nolan Trail in class a couple weeks ago, it was truly a little sample of communitas. Without the constriction of sitting in desks we were free to converse and learn with anyone we pleased, and we were given a chance to meet our fellow classmates and hear their perspectives on things we’d been learning in class. It was really interesting to get a hands on learning experience about the plants we found. A couple classmates and I even painted our faces with the dye from the berries. Walking the Nolan Trail with friends made the trip even more fun. Even just being out on the trail for a couple hours we acquired so many inside jokes, I can’t imagine how much I would bond with people I spent weeks or even months with in the wilderness when our only entertainment is each other. It was also a nice break to slow down and just be outside, with nothing to focus on or worry about besides the actual nature itself and it was almost a little strange to come back to campus and realized that our everyday realities were still happening. I’m sure the feelings of reentering normal life, after being on a trail for a long period of time, would be completely overwhelming.

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