Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ben Moore-Prayer-
Prayer is seen as the time that one devotes to their higher being. During this time the higher being is presented pains, upliftings, concerns, and etc. by a follower. In Christianity there is a strong belief in prayer as the one way line to God, but how much one prays is up for change depending on each person. Lately I have found myself only praying for help through certain situations in my life, and not really uplifting God for what he has done for me. In the Muslim belief they pray five times a day. I believe that is awesome that they believe so strongly in their higher being that they pray five times a day. I believe that if I and other Christians would pray that much our lives and the church would not be in the situations they are in day to day. I feel if we were to pray more often we would see a astronomical difference in our church and in my life espically.

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