Tuesday, November 30, 2010

“Hot Water” by Brandon Schall

The other day our shower lost all hot water. The experience made me curious as to how people in ancient times manage to take warm baths/showers. During the summer months I am sure the water was warm in rivers and ponds but how about during the winter? Did they clean themselves during these cold months? I had no intention of getting in that cold shower so I left my house and went to friend’s house to shower. How did the people of ancient times get clean? They had to take a cold dip in the river, boiled water to put in a big tub or they didn’t bath at all. We would not have any friends today if we didn’t bath. I believe that I would have had to have been a lot tougher than I am now to survive in ancient times. The ancient people had to make do with what was available. We are all spoiled today with our modern conveniences, and I hope I never have to do without them.

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