Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ben Moore-Lost-
The disscussion we had on "Lost" in class this semester really intrigued me. Lost as Dr. Redick described it to us was the state of unknowingness of the surroundings around one self. It sparked my interest on what i viewed as what lost really meant to me. When he asked us to write on the piece of paper what we felt lost meant symbolicilly, all I came up with was without the knowing of God. There has been multiple times in my life when I felt "lost". At times of losing family members and other instrumental to my life I felt that I didn't know God or why he was doing what he was doing in my life. I think we become lost at many times in our lives, but the only way for us to get out of that state is to search for that light and in my case is God, but for others it is whatever higher being they believe. Being lost can be the most scarey experience of your life because being found is determined by yourself.

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