Friday, December 3, 2010

Blog #13--Religious Plurality--Jessica Moore

Outside reading---It is becoming way more common these days for a person of one religion to practice and study that of another religion. People from the United states are "open to absorbing this diversity into their own beliefs and practices.” A person can go from a Christian Sunday service to practicing Yoga, studying kabbalah, or visiting a traditional healer during the week, without denying their God. It is also becoming more common for interfaith marriages to occur. At one time, it was very uncommon for a member of one religion to entertain the idea of marrying the member of another religion. Nowadays, its not even an issue. Such situations bring visibility to a phenomenon that has beencalled “multiple religious belonging,” in which people of faith engage in the communities and practices of more than one religious tradition. This type of freedom makes me grateful to be living in a country where I can believe in whatever I want.

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