Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Dean - Panic Reflection

Have you ever been hopelessly, miserably lost? I had this experience just yesterday. I unexpectedly found myself driving through D.C. wasting time as I waited to pick up my cousins who were going through the mall. Suddenly, I realized that I had no idea where I was. In my panic, my reason went out the window. I felt as though there was nowhere to stop, mean drivers were honking at me, and I had no idea what to do. To top it all off, my cell phone died as I was trying to get directions. My panic turned to tears -- likely provoked by my lack of sleep during finals week. Finally, I pulled over at some random gas station in Arlington where I used a pay phone and eventually my cousins and sister came to find me in a taxi. What did I learn from this? First, when in a city, four right turns equal a circle and will usually return you to your original location. Second, charge your cell phone. Third, carry change for a pay phone.

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