Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Dean-Inersubjectivity

Intersubjectivity emphasizes that shared cognition and consensus is essential in the shaping of our ideas and relations. This is very true and seen throughout time; the best organization/companies/governments are horizontal and allow innovation and ideas to flow freely. I think we all are influenced by our friends and family, because we have a shared trust.The idea of intersubjectivity is exemplified, again, in Martin Buber's I-it, I-thou again. It is the place between objectivity, and subjectivity. This relates back to the I-thou relationship because it is the sharing of two individuals. They are not acting on each other but with each other. I notice these kinds of relationships in serious relationships. Like married couples, etc., In my parents they are in a relationship, and experience intersubjectivity, and they act and make decisions together, and are in engaged in a genuine relationship concerned with each other as opposed to concerned with outside circumstances.

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