Friday, December 10, 2010

Martin Bretzin #14

How does one decide what path they want to take following traditional institutional training? College is one example of such training and is meant to provide discipline, insight, and potential routes for usually career-based life choices. I came to CNU in hopes that when I am to leave, I will have an advantage in the job market over others. Since attending school, I have discovered, that I have very little confidence in knowing what I actually want to do with my life. More importantly, I have only a few guesses as what I want to start doing following college. These concerns worry me every day and become more and more important as the days go by. I fear that the impending inevitability of my age will occur sooner than I'm ready for to really get what I want out of life. Many nights I stay up late worrying that I'll wake up and I'll be 35, with no passion about my niche and a body that continues to degrade and slow down robbing me of so many joys that I remember having as a child. I realize now that I fear the process of aging, and am almost entirely dissatisfied with the current course of my life choices.

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