Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Dean - Harry Potter

Ok, so first I'd like to state that one of my favorite things, in regards to Harry Potter, is their accent I can do it perfectly...please approach me and I shall demonstrate. Now on to bigger and deeper topics. The books are wonderful. They are meant for children but can pull even the oldest, intelect into a world that I wish I could visit and be a part of. A world with wizards, witches, flying brooms, spells, potions...all the creativity it took to create a world that is so different then our own! I can't believe all that went into these books. And although they don't mention any religion the foundations for most religions are apparent in the words. They show you how love for one another can beat even the strongest, evilest creatures in the world. In most religions, being a good person will grant you an eternity in 'their version' of heaven. In the end, Harry Potter has all he needs.

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