Friday, December 3, 2010

Morgan Arnold (Class Reading Blog) Original Visions Chapter 1

This concept in Carmody and Carmody’s Original Visions really got me thinking, “we are the only animals who can be both subject and object- can be aware of ourselves deliberately, in acts the objectify much of our sense of identity” (p. 5). Carmody goes on to explain that sense the beginning of humankind, humans must have understood that they live in a world that they cannot control. With this in mind, it is also true that humans have more control than any other animal. We are at the mercy of the universe or God/gods if one believes in that. Yet, we have been given the ability to have rule over all the land and animals. That is a large responsibility. Though the majority of us are not hunters and gathers, like they were thousands of years ago, we still have a duty to our planet.

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