Friday, December 10, 2010

Martin Bretzin #3

It's the end of 2010 and I'm attempting to personally reflect on what new insights I have gained as a result of CNU's classes. I've been enrolled in 5 classes, and finished the semester for 4 of them. The various topics I studied were German, Psychological Systems in Learning, Religious Studies of the Oral Tradition, Gender Differences in Psychology, and Psychological Tests and Measurements. I ended up dropping Gender Psych., as it ended up being a relatively demanding class with no obvious academic relevance. Overall, I'm pretty disappointed in my class choices this semester. Only 2 of the 5 classes seemed relatively memorable. They were my RSTD and Tests and Measurements courses. I found that both of these courses provided me with reflective insight regarding how I should possibly make changes to my everyday perception when encountering various situations and rhetoric. My biggest criticism of these courses, however is lack of time spent in each. I would have liked the RSTD course to be a MWF course, and the Test & Measurements course let out earlier nearly every class, in a significant amount. Had those changes occurred however, my current attitude may have switched. I found it particularly hard to be a good student this semester for various personal reasons. Given the opportunity, I would like to be able to go back to the beginning of the semester with better emotional health and an absence of everything I learned in these courses, to start all over properly.

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