Monday, December 6, 2010

Brittany Wallace, After College

Since I was 6 years old in Bodo Norway, I’ve been riding horses. Even once I moved to the states, horse riding continued to be a integral part of my life. When I look back I’ve been riding for over 16 years. For over half of my life horse riding/training/competing has been a constant. After graduation I’m planning on moving to Los Angeles and going to the police academy (LAPD). The one component of my life that has always remained continuous, even through college, will abruptly come to a close in less than six months. Obviously there aren’t many places to house a stable in the middle of downtown Los Angeles. After going home for thanksgiving and doing a once over of my room and seeing all the pictures, ribbons and medals decorating my walls it’s became almost eerie to consider a life absent from horses. Through high school and college riding offered an outlet, so what outlet will can I turn to in the overpopulated crime ridden city of Los Angeles.
“There is nothing better for the insides of a man then the outside of a horse” –Ronald
So as my final fall semester comes to a close the looming ore of change remains in the foreseeable future.

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