Friday, December 3, 2010

Sleep - Alexandra Brown

The other day a friend said to me, "Sleep is overrated." This was said after I told them that I had slept 4 hours within the past 60 hours. And I had been awake for about 36 hours at this point. I seriously wanted to slap them. I'm sure that's probably because I was so tired, because the one and only time i've slapped someone, I felt horrible afterwards (and they seriously deserved it). Anyway, sleep is definitely very important. I read somewhere that at 18 hours without sleep, a person's ability to react is the same as being legally drunk. So obviously sleep is very important. And apparently you need somewhere between 6-8 hours a night. But I began to wonder, were primal people able to get that much sleep? So many things needed to get done, so how did they find the time to sleep? And if they didn't, then how were they able to get everything done while being "legally drunk"? Have our bodies and lifestyles changed so much that nowadays we need more sleep to get by? I cannot imagine that our lifestyles today are more tiring than theirs back then. Primal people's lifestyles HAD to have been more energy consuming. We have so many inventions that allow us to save energy and time. So did primal people sleep more?

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